Welcome to About Nicole's Breast Augmentation , a collection of journals and pictures
from women who elected to have breast enlargement surgery.

A message from Nicole

This site is about my breast augmentation journal and those of women like me. Here you can read our personal journals as well as see photos of our progress. I hope this information will provide women with a “What to Expect” from their breast augmentation procedure.

In 1998, when I had my breast augmentation surgery, I saw a need for support, information and community for women who were interested in breast implants. Today, the breast surgery options available to women are many and great but we need to be informed. It is our life and our choice to have this procedure and it is a very personal one.

This site salutes women considering breast implants or any type of breast surgery for having the courage to change and, in some cases, to feel whole again. Here we will discuss the personal aspects of our journeys and how it has affected our lives, our families and who we are as women. It is our hope that we might give those considering this procedure a better idea of what to expect and maybe even learn from the successes and failures of each other.

Women have breast augmentation for many reasons and cosmetic breast enlargement with saline or silicone breast implants is more common today than ever before. Many women choose breast implants to correct problems such as asymmetry, congenital deformities, some even requiring breast lifts or for breast cancer reconstruction. Whatever the reason, we all share a common thread. I believe we find comfort in knowing that we are not alone and it is OK to want to improve the way we look and feel. This site is about us. I hope you enjoy our personal journals and photos and that they will help you on your journey. And, I hope you will share yours with us! Good luck, Nicole.

Read About Nicole’s Breast Augmentation in her Journal